Sarah Kudirka

Results for the tag: blue

What we take with us and who we leave behind

You Are Here

Threading Over The Ocean, Over The Sea

May we always have enough to share I and II


Stacked, oil on canvas, vertical triptych, 369 x 61cm, by Sarah Kudirka artist, blue background with beige unevenly matched shallow bowls/boats stacked precariously, seeming about to topple.


Across Oceans (The Big Blue)

Across Oceans

Shell-Like (Deep Blue)

City Skies Edinburgh #1

City Skies Edinburgh #2

City Skies Edinburgh #3

City Skies Edinburgh #4

City Skies Edinburgh #10

City Skies Edinburgh #13

City Skies Edinburgh #6

City Skies Dundee #1

City Skies Dundee #2

City Skies Dundee #8

City Skies Dundee #12

City Skies Dundee #14

City Skies Dundee #15

City Skies Dundee #18

City Skies Dundee #21

Nothing But Blue Skies – Glasgow

City Skies Berlin #40 #41 #42 #44 (after Libeskind)

City Skies Berlin #50

City Skies Berlin #72

City Skies Berlin #29

City Skies Berlin #37

City Skies Berlin #70

City Skies Berlin #52

City Skies Berlin #18

City Skies Berlin #36

City Skies Sydney #10

City Skies Sydney #11

City Skies Sydney #9

City Skies Sydney #7

City Skies Sydney #5

City Skies Sydney #3

City Skies Sydney #4

City Skies Sydney #6

Have.Live.Do.Become (I, II, III, IV)


Happily So

City Skies Glasgow #35

City Skies Glasgow #36

City Skies Glasgow #23

City Skies Glasgow #2

City Skies Hong Kong #55 (IFC)

Glasgow DeepRichBlueSkies



Flag for the wind and the rain (a warm embrace and loving words)

Pinks – City Skies London triptych

When Did you Last Look Up? – City Skies London triptych

Sydney, nothing but blue sky

Saffron – London City Skies

Glasgow City Skies

Sarah Davenport, Archipelago, oil and ink on canvas, 85x195cm, 2010


unframed City Skies paint + pencil on Polaroid image by Sarah Kudirka

London City Sky Block + Blue

I Love This City – London

I Love This City (even more when the sky is blue) Glasgow

City Skies Hong Kong #56

Red Orange Purple

HiddenLaneColours #48

OrangePink series


City Skies Edinburgh

City Skies Dundee

Berlin City Skies series of 81 paint + pencil over Polaroid images

City Skies Berlin series

Glasgow polaroids

Waves Weave

Dialogue (Post-colonial)

Block (Post-colonial)

Reliquaries 1

Reliquaries I

HiddenLaneColours #51

Good, painting, 2008
